LIVER :Normal in side (14cm) with increased echotexture. Focal areas of fat sparing noted arounf GB fossa. No obvious focal lesion seen. IHBR appears normal. Portal vein appears normal.

GALL BLADDER :Well distended, no calculus seen. wall thickness within normal limits. No pericholecystic fluid seen. CBD appears normal in caliber.

PANCREAS :Normal in size and echotexture to the extent visualised. No focal lesion.

SPLEEN :Normal in side (10.0 cm) and echotexture. No focal lesions.

KIDNEYS :Both kidneys are normal in size, shape and position. COrticomedullary differentiation well maintained. No obvious calculus / hydronephrosis seen. Right kidney measures 11.7 cm. Parenchymal thickness is 1.6 cm. Left kidney measures 10.5 cm. Parenchymal thickness is 1.5 cm

URINARY BLADDER :Well distended with clear contents. Wall thickness within normal limits.

PROSTATE :Normal in size (volume - 12cc) and echotexture. No focal lesion. No Ascites. Visualized bowel loops appear normal.

IMPRESSION :NIL. Normal Report

*Note: If in IMPRESSION, Grade I / II fatty lever is mentioned, then get an openion from a GE Physician as well as conduct a Liver Function Test (LFT) for the Scan results to be accepted by DGCA